I am forgiven because Jesus paid my debt on the cross, a gift of God’s grace which I have received through faith worked in me by the Holy Spirit. What an awesome thought!
I am a husband to Nora, a father to Ara and Kaira, and a pastor at Mount Ararat Bible Church in Northridge, CA (mountabc.org). I received an M.Div. and a Th.M. (NT) from Talbot School of Theology and completed my Ph.D. in Church History at Fuller Theological Seminary in 2020.
All that being said, I love the Lord and want to serve Him in every way I can. I’ve been urged by some to consider writing a blog and am giving it a shot. The hope of this page is to encourage and challenge readers to want to go deeper in their relationship with Christ. For readers who don’t yet believe in Jesus, I pray some of the articles will challenge their doubts; for those who do know Jesus as Lord, I pray the articles will confirm and strengthen their faith.
All in all, my hope is this: to magnify Christ. May those who read these articles see Him as greater and greater each day.
In His service,
Jason Matossian