I am grateful that the Scriptures do not teach a Gospel that can be undone by the misuse of a pronoun.
Christ Alone

I am grateful that the Scriptures do not teach a Gospel that can be undone by the misuse of a pronoun.
The fear of wrongly dividing the word or failing to teach the whole counsel of God felt like an impossible burden that I was made to carry myself.
The chant, “1915 Never Again!” has taken on greater urgency, as bewildered we look around and think, is it possible? The pain is deep, the question, how can this happen again? is real.
Throughout the first three and a half centuries, Christians were outlaws, without equal rights—but that did not stop them from living well for the advancement of the kingdom of God.
Whenever I read of faithful saints from the past, from missionaries on the field to preachers in their study, the one common aspect of their lifestyles is this, they were committed to prayer.
Today, one of the most serious issues we face is that we no longer know what any of these words mean.
When I am faced with the racial tension that is plaguing our nation, what is it that I want?
Proverbs 18:17 (ESV) 17 The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him. I think we’ve forgotten the wisdom found in the book of Proverbs. Actually, I think we’ve forgotten wisdom altogether. Although we’re told in the book of James to be “quick to listen, slow to speak, […]
Black lives matter. And the reason black lives matter can only properly and fully be understood through a Biblical worldview. Black lives matter because God has created each person in His very image and imbued them with infinite value. Black lives matter because the God of the universe created them to be His image-bearers, reflecting […]
My heart is broken and my mind is racing, none of this makes sense. How can a police officer have his knee on the neck of a hand-cuffed man, ignore the clear cries that he cannot breathe, refuse to treat him with common human decency, basically (I don’t know how else to put it) murder […]